1. MALL. What is MALL? The field of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (henceforth, MALL) is an approach to language learning that is based upon the use of mobile devices (such as MP3/4 players, PDAs, smartphones like the iPhone or Samsung Galaxy, and tablets like the iPad and Google Nexus 7/10). MALL combines mobile learning with computer assisted language learning. It has gained popularity in the last few years due to our hectic mobile lifestyle and the widespread adoption of mobile telecommunications and computing devices with Internet connections. MALL offers a way to access learning materials and to interact with teachers and peers, transcending place and time boundaries in a way that has never been possible until now. As such, language learning has been made more approachable than ever. However, MALL involves much more than flexible resource access and an easy way to shorten distances between learners. Researchers are designing and implementing techniques that maximize the man...
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